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The repository contains a README.rst file with basic information.
It gives a short introduction to the project and links to other relevant files.


The is a record of all notable changes made to a project.
It is structured by each release and divided by additions, changes, and removals.


MkDocs is a fast and simple static site generator that is used for documentation.
The source files are written in Markdown, and configured with mkdocs.yml.
Material theme enables additional features and an elegant design.


Install the required packages in a python environment.
💻 pip install mkdocs install MkDocs
💻 pip install mkdocs-material install the material theme


Generate the documentation locally.
💻 mkdocs serve start the local live version of the documentation
💻 mkdocs build create a folder site with the documentation



Publish documentation on GitHub Pages.
💻 mkdocs gh-deploy manually deploys the documentation files

GitHub Action#

🐙 Deploy the documentation with GitHub Actions.
The file .github\workflows\gh-pages.yml creates an automated GitHub workflow.
It is configured to be pushed to the branch gh-page and then deployed online.
A commit on the production branch triggers the workflow.


The package mike is used to deploy multiple versions of the documentation. 💻 pip install mike install mike
💻 mike deploy --push --update-aliases 0.1.0 latest deploys the latest version


mkdocstrings generates automatic documentation (autodocs) from Google style docstrings.
💻 pip install mkdocstrings install mkdocstrings

Used Icons

🐙 GitHub | 💠 git | 📝 File | 💻 Command Line